Newsletter 2024 beginning

Newsletter 2024 beginning

2024 "The best thing for being sad," replied Merlin, beginning to puff and blow, "is to learn something. That's the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you...

Musings on Life and Aging

Musings on Life and Aging

Ageing, I decided, is a gift and after all we have no choice about it. I am now, probably for the first time in my life, the person I have always wanted to be. Oh, not my body; I sometimes despair over my body - the wrinkles, the stretchy skin which fascinates my...

Free The Music Within – Early Spring Newsletter 2023

Free The Music Within – Early Spring Newsletter 2023

Visa permitting!! (and that is a challenge right now), legs permitting (I am following an intense training regime and even then!), bike permitting (have you ever managed to get a bike not only to India but up to the mountains!!). Altitude permitting! this will be...

The Creative Spirit that Transforms the World

The Creative Spirit that Transforms the World

'The Creative Spirit that Transforms the World' That is the outcome I wish for in the training I offer; that by studying excellence we discover our unique gifts and how to share them in the context of a life worth living. My programmes are not dependent on techniques...

Modelling, Mealtimes and Mastery

Modelling, Mealtimes and Mastery

Scarlett my 9-year-old granddaughter was intently watching my French neighbour’s son Jake, who had joined us for lunch. Not only did she watch him but I noticed her quietly mirroring some of his movements – sort of trying on his way of being. Her Mum my daughter in...

2022 Spring Newsletter – France in person programmes

2022 Spring Newsletter – France in person programmes

I found myself again one morning when I heard the cacophony of bird song through the open window. And at night the calling of a baby owl to its mother. I found myself in the noises of nature. I found myself as I sat on a river bank watching the deep water take all the...

So you think you can achieve changes in your life?

So you think you can achieve changes in your life?

The second time I met Graham I did not recognise him. Admittedly it had been several years since the previous meeting when he had attended an in-house NLP programme for the Marketing company he was working for at the time. Even when he introduced himself I still could...

Newsletter sort of

Newsletter sort of

An online programme January 16/17/18 1400-1900 India time Windswept and interesting That is the title of one of Billy Connolly's books - his latest I think.  He describes how someone commented on him being Windswept and Interesting, how he valued that (almost as much...