NLP Intensive in France

A place of learning, love and laughter - my home
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I am an international consultant and author, pioneering the use of NLP for people in business. My work includes and goes beyond NLP in my aim to support us all to discover our unsuspected greatness in this chaotic, challenging and turbulent world.

I subscribe to the values of openness, truth, integrity, trust, learning, generosity, commitment, fun and love and I am honoured to have been described as ‘bringing the heart and soul to business’. Life is very much easier and so much richer than most of us make it. Simply all we need to do is to learn to love and to show it. What I address over and over again is HOW.

Join me on social media to discuss different perspectives on NLP, leadership, excellence and more.
Sue Knight

NLP Programmes and Coaching

I offer a selection of NLP and coaching programmes, for more information about my teaching style and the structure of my programmes please visit the NLP and Coaching page, or see the Upcoming Courses page for the latest dates.  I am currently offering courses online as well as in a number of different countries around the world.

NLP Business Practitioner

This particular programme is a 5 day intensive with supplementary personal development projects. Expect this programme to change your thinking and your life. It is an intensive in the sense that it is a small group with a lot of personal supervision.
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NLP Master Practitioner

We get to the heart of NLP—the modelling of excellence. In learning how to model you are learning how to find the resources (which might include beliefs, attitude, emotional state and skills) that you need when and where you want them.
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NLP Trainer Training

Past participants have described this as not so much a course more an apprenticeship. One of my measures of success is that you would be able to run any part of my open programmes and I expect and support you to do that if you wish.
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NLP Intensives

NLP Intensives allow people of any level to train together in spectacular locations around the world. Past participants have described this as not so much a course more an apprenticeship. One of my measures of success is that you would be able to run any part of my open programmes and I expect and support you to do that if you wish.
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Coaching Programme

The Coaching Programme offers you the tools to give your clients something way beyond anything they could imagine for themselves; this is about how to read the patterns and get to the deep truth of who we are really meant to be. This does not come from traditional questioning techniques. This comes from radical unorthodox means of creating states for profound transformational change.
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Explore trainings around the world

Publications by Sue Knight

NLP at Work

NLP at Work is frequently described as one of the classics in NLP. It was the book that pioneered the application of NLP into business and made what had been previously a ‘dark art’ into an accessible practical concept that translated totally into the everyday world of influence, communication, negotiation, team work, coaching… the list is infinite. And at its heart it is about us as mortal human beings our aspirations, our challenges in relationships and our dreams.

NLP and Leadership

Everyone is a leader – constantly influencing the people and events around them. But often leadership qualities lie dormant, waiting to be kindled and fanned into life.  This manual takes the mystique out of leadership (and NLP) with over 50 recommended activities and shows how they can be incorporated into workshops or used as stand-alone exercises.

What clients say...

Sue embodies spontaneity, a zest for life, creative confidence, authenticity, congruence, a sense of adventure & care, all rolled into one, in the way she teaches the subject. An element of ‘surprise’ underpins her experiential style. She teaches to the unconscious mind. We as learners realized this only along the way. What a delight it has been to be in her presence! Forever grateful .🙏
“The whole programme was been a pure delight. The setting was a perfect environment to learn. Not just because of the physical location, which was a beautiful backdrop in itself, it was more to do with the space that Sue creates and invites you to work in. I loved the sense of working in the present. Nothing felt like role-play or engineered, it all felt an authentic experience.”
“I wanted to broaden my own skills and outlook on the world to help me continue on my journey of becoming the best I can be. I wanted to sharpen my coaching ability to enable me to deliver great value to my members. It was a 12 out of 10 , life changing, awesome, a real game changer for me. I am so pleased that i chose to do the learning with Sue instead of another facilitator.”
“A positive and enjoyable experience which exceeded expectations. This has been reinforced by my subsequent reflections on the programme. I felt that as a result of this programme that I have achieved a real shift in my own personal development and my skills as a coach. Whatching Sue at work is amazing and I learned so much just from participating as part of the group!"
"I loved the way that Sue ran the course, particularly the integration of theory and experience with both the group work and wider into the experience of the place where the course was held, specifically the local area and community. This approach embodies the essence of NLP and as Sue lives and teaches it."
“The programme has Sue’s signature, I love it as it is personalized. There is this distinct way the delegates are invited to learn and discover. I am thrilled I ran into Sue’s book and programmes a couple of years ago as I am convinced from experience that they are far more enjoyable and the learnings are deep and ongoing for years to come as shifts happen internally."
"If you love learning, want to have fun, and can do with fine tuning your skills. If you want to add clarity to what are you doing, why you do it and how you do it and want to build a solid set of beliefs that will support you for life, I highly recommend you this course and the modelling project to invite the best of you to flourish."
“During Master Practitioner I learned how to voyage beyond the horizons that were the limits of my imagination and experience, and to help others do the same. I discovered the amazing riches that surround me in the present moment, and that are available at all times if I am open to recognising and accepting the offer. If you love learning in its fullest sense, you could not make a better investment than to attend this course.”
“This course has helped me to discover me. The more I expose myself to NLP, the more there is to find. The connection I have felt with course members and the spirit in which the learning takes place enables me to embrace life, even when the going gets tough, as this is the greatest learning of all.”
“What an experience we had on the last Master Practitioner course at Bix. Sue’s commitment to her art is astounding and truly inspirational. And she shares this unconditionally with those she meets. And what an impact it has and continues to have.”
“Sue’s NLP Master Practitioner programme – the only word I can use to describe it is “transformational”! I was looking for ways to help others develop and I got lots and lots of development for myself and it has transformed my whole life. Great value for money – I would pay a million pounds for what it has added to my life (if I had a million pounds to spend!!!) not counting what I can now give to others, which is invaluable.”
“Your training programme was a totally new approach of personal development through NLP for me in a way that it was specifically tailored according to the needs and questions and patterns of the delegates. It perfectly followed the groups dynamics. On a personal level, it offered the insights that were most needed for me, even though I wasn’t aware of it at the time."
“The course was consistent with the other three stages in its style and delivery method. Consistently brilliant, delivering far more that I ever signed up for! Sue seems to focus on the development of the individual rather than the development of skills or techniques. This certainly fits with my learning style and an approach I look to model."
“I have learned huge, huge, huge amounts. I feel as if my learning has happened quite subtley and yet some major shifts have happened in my beliefs, particularly. That’s clever! I am particularly grateful for the realisation about respecting other’s maps of the world and reframing my reactions to words."
“I found it excellent. I came unsure of what to expect and was pleasantly pleased to find the experience so personal, experiential (in the moment) and real. By real I mean I have learnt so much that I will take forward as I continue to share this wonderful way of being in the world. And I’ll take it on as it has become part of me – that’s the brilliance of the program in my mind."
“I read NLP at Work and found the book very easy to engage, like the style, the exercises, the stories and most important the values that came through, so I decided that I wanted to meet the woman that wrote it. Then I looked into the web site and liked the approach. What I was looking for? Back then, I was looking to “up grade” what I have already learned and put the knowledge in a structure way, so I could be able to teach it. I didn’t get that, but I got something else…"
“It was excellent, very thought provoking and I have already made a number of changes and look forward to greater congruity as a result. The thread that went right through the week was about noticing patterns and using clean language to tease out issues without direct questions. Sue modeled this so well.”
“You are brilliant and the Earth is hiring’—the stage, so to speak, was set from the moment we sat down with Tracy’s beautiful artwork highlighting the shimmering message. What exactly was our own brilliance ?- were we even aware of it ? – how could we work with it, honour it and lovingly be with it? – what was its part and therefore our part in the world?”
“The programme was completely brilliant! The group was wonderful to work with and Sue is so skilled at bringing out what needs to come to the surface. Each of the days was utilised to maximum affect which is such a talent as it never felt like hard work. The days flew by. I really wanted to stay longer as I feel I have so much more to learn.”
“The course was without doubt a great experience. It sometimes pushed some boundaries and gave a secure and safe environment to experiment. I felt I was where I wanted to be.”
“This course was truly an exceptional event. I was able to embrace what I believe to be the sophistication inherent within NLP. I was given the opportunity to truly examine what I now believe to be one of the most fundamental building blocks of being an educator. The use of Self.”
“The unhurried and flexible approach Sue adopted made the training much more personal than I had previously experienced. Sue was considerate of everyone’s needs and cleverly focused the learning’s around the groups needs each day whilst maintaining control of the programme and achieving the overall outcomes. Sue is warm and caring and lives what she teaches, I feel incredibly privileged to have spent the week learning from Sue’s example.”
“…a personal and unique journey, intensive in terms of depth of each moment and the sharing of that experience with like minded people. Very in the moment, experiential, supportive and yet challenging. Quality of feedback especially from Sue (and Spence!) superb and spot on. Very encouraging and great fun.”
“The course was the most amazing course I have ever been to, and I have been to so many. The environment that was created by Sue was one of total safety and openness. The whole group was able to feel integrated and anyone can sense the harmony that was created after just one day. I learned a great deal and opened my eyes to many possibilities.”
“The whole thing was just massive. The combination of your (Sue’s) programme itself, Spence’s cooking and all-round support, the strength and interaction of the group, the socialising (and NLPing) around the programme and the contributions of the wider ‘team’ such as David and Elaine and Jane and John added up to an unforgettable experience. One of the top five of my lifetime, I reckon."
“The course was an exceptionally powerful week. Not only was it a senory rich experience. Being in France, in the beautfiul Dordogne, eating tasty, lovingly prepared food and being in stunning surroundings helped us all to relax, bond quickly and focus on ourselves without the distractions of usual life. Being in a small, friendly group really created an atmosphere of trust."
“My learnings from the course were numerous, both personally and as a trainer, including confidence to be myself when training; to confidently use my purpose, beliefs, values, talents, skills, experiences and interests in order to enrich the learning experience. Also, to use what I am still working on for the same purpose.
“I’m learning about balance, respect of myself and of other peoples map of the world and of acceptance. I’ve learnt to wait in silence as I’ve found less is more, quite often… I’ve learnt not to have to fill space with words or laughter. To trust I am enough right now. I am also developing framing in regards to explaining anything to be concise which will also be valuable in presenting Training.”


Listen to Sue talk about NLP, business, excellence and other topics with people around the world.

Sue and Nick Ashton

A story without ending. We tried to conclude this conversation 3 times and each time we paused the recording Nick shared another gem and I just had to restart. Gems too good to miss in this exchange about living the principles of true leadership. There are so many companies and executives who can talk grand words. Nick doesn’t talk grand words - he embodies great ones. He lives a life of continuous learning in the service of others. He is committed to continuous learning, to being sensitive to the effect he has on those around him and flexible in how he has learnt to find what works. And the evidence? The endless examples of how Nick responds to the opportunities in work and life.

Nick Ashton is Executive Vice President and President, Global Manufacturing and Supply at Zoetis, the world’s leading animal health company and a member of the Fortune 500.

Sue and Lakshit

Love and truth as the basis of the business culture? I am starting a series of video podcasts talking with people who for me embody excellence and who are 'the difference that makes the difference'. I start with Lakshit, part of the team who own and run this beautiful resort where I stay when I am in Kerala. Listen and learn how he brings his dedication to spirituality, truth and love to work and life. There is the background noise of the sea and the wind in the palm trees - thank you Muzzamil of The LIttle Giants for your help with the sound just dimming the waves and the palm trees enough for us to be heard!

The essence of NLP — modelling excellence — enables us to learn from the best in all aspects of work and life; leadership, sales and influence, sport, the arts, communication, teamwork… The list is endless.
My commitment to you as a participant goes well beyond the last day of the programme. I like to believe that it is for life and certainly for as long as you would like it.
Life is very much easier and so much richer than most of us make it. Simply all we need to do is to learn to love and to show it. What I address over and over again is HOW….