India Masterclass

No full stops in India

P1040779There certainly aren’t and no full stops in your growth and influence and power.  So where better to learn ‘go beyond anything you have achieved to date’ in the way you not only train, coach, present and run your business but especially in the way that you create ripples of love in the world. And boy do we need those ripples right now. It is time for us all to step up in the way that we support everyone in the world to find peace and community. India in so many ways is a metaphor for this.

I may soon be working with politicians here in the UK. And we need more of at the level where we can make the much much needed difference here. We want to replace the clowns who have played with people’s lives with leaders of integrity, faith and charisma and above all influence to move forward in new and heart touching ways. We do indeed need to be the example that we wish to see in the world. And only by raising the bar a long long way will we achieve the kind of influence that will leave the war mongers in our shade.

What we propose for you in this special time in such a special place where the red sun sets on the Arabian Sea and rises over the coconut laden palm trees to greet each day with vigour and life.

pathYou will learn how to

  • Make every word that you utter both to yourself and to others achieve the purpose you intend

  • Use every fibre of your being to convey the very example that you want in the world

  • Work at the micro level of detail and the global level of strategic thinking

  • Create lateral solutions for the problems we each face in the world today and encourage and equip others to do the same

  • Release the gravitas and presence of the world and business leader that is you

  • Explore how to present yourself and your business so that other leaders in the world are drawn to you to learn

  • Be congruent in everything that you do and say

  • Learn from the mastery of local people who know how to rise above the ever changing waves of change that we face in every part of the world

  • Raise the power, provocation and skill with which you coach others to step out of their comfort zone and become the leaders they are meant to be

  • Reach out to touch people’s hearts and build supporting loving communities that learn together

  • Stand firm and resourceful in the midst of chaos and challenge

You will meet and learn from artists whose music will vibrate to your very core, locals whose boundless generosity to give all that they have will humble you, entrepreneurs whose ‘business’ thinking will turn everything you have thought about business on its head. And more than that you will be part of creating a world community of leaders who support each other and who work together to be strong in this world of turbulence and trauma.

Those of you who have been here before now is the chance to return and see this changing place with new eyes and ears and of course heart. Meet special old friends and of course make new ones too.

Read more about the venue and accommodation


Dates January 7 – 14
Venue Cherai Beach
to book contact
Cost £2000 plus VAT if resident in the UK

"No full stops in India"

Mark Fuller