Alumni - Inspire Days

Another Alumni! 2025

We laughed, we learnt, we danced and we connected with many we had met before sometimes online and sometimes in person, and with others who also share a passion for learning and being the best we can be.Local restaurants and hotels commented on the energy and appreciative attitudes that they experienced in the people who came and gave.
A dramatic image of a countryside road in France with a sunset in the background.
The road to La Meyfrenie - the venue for Inspire Days
If you think you might want to attend this let us know as soon as possible … I did say ‘never again’ to another Alumni especially here in France as there is so much organisation with respect to places to stay (there are no large hotels near here!) and travel. However, the Alumni this year was such an amazing experience and having got the organisation in place (with the help of a wonderful support team) that I was unable to resist the requests for another next year.


So .. the dates will be, Wednesday, June 18th and Thursday, June 19th. Followed by my week-long programmes at my home so you might consider doing both? It will be held at La Meyfrenie in Verteillac (closest airport Bergerac though several of you this year came via Bordeaux and some by train to Angouleme and some of course drove here).


I hold this event as a thank you to all of you who have trained with me. Priority will go to those of you who have trained with me.


The topics in previous programmes have included:


  • Travelling Sydney to London by motorbike – the thrills and the challenges
  • Feldenkrais – Awareness through Movement
  • Living and Learning in India
  • The challenge of truly putting ourselves in others shoes
  • Managing transitions in life
  • Going to the edge
  • Working and learning with people labelled as ‘schizophrenic’ and are they?
  • Learning to play the Ukulele


And there was more. Most importantly most of the sessions were the stories of people who have used their NLP learning to achieve remarkable results. And we had the opportunity to model that excellence.


And you can expect some surprises in 2025. Expect the unexpected.

Book a spot

If you wish to book just let the team know on [email protected] and payment of an invoice for your attendance will confirm your place.

How will the Alumni 2025 inspire? 

Here is a sample of the people who will be joining to share their stories and special talents.
Annette Cairns playing the cornet.

Carry On Regardless

Annette Cairns

I am an amateur musician and possibly a Brass Band geek. I particularly like confusing people by saying I play the flugelhorn and cornet, and then watching the reaction as they try to picture it (think Tara Fitzgerald in Brassed Off). As a trainer and facilitator I often stand in front of a crowd of people and encourage their learning about how to become better leaders (yes lots of generalisations I know ..anything to improve the performance of their team is an improvement!).


My Master Practitioner project “Carry on Regardless” came about as I wanted to model top performers in music and acting, to model what they do to remain present in the performance if they make a mistake or slip? How can they continue to tap into the audience’s emotions even if there is a mistake? How could I use that model to help me perform a solo even when I make a mistake? Taking that a step further how could I then create that confidence when in a training room.

The band Gun Flower performing in front of a building.

We Will Rock You

Gun Flower

How does a group of individuals come together seemingly at random to create such a powerful musical experience?
But then is anything random, a group forms, people move on, others join and then a magical mix emerges. We experience the wonderful music and behind the front are unique stories. You might think the name Dave painted on one of the guitars is the name of the guitarist but no – that is Paul and the name on the guitar is a tribute to his brother who died 12 years ago and always remembered. Unlikely as it might seem the lead singer Daniel, is the deputy Mayor of Riberac! There is Luc on the keyboard, Pierre on bass and coincidentally David, on rhythm guitar. The drummer Gilles, well he is famous for his artwork. A captivating mix, so many stories. This is Gun Flower.
The name is not a ‘nom de guerre’. To the contrary it is impossible to do harm with a gun flower. It is a metaphor for peace; the flower placed in a soldier’s gun.
Jimmy Jean standing next to a whiteboard.

The French Way

Jimmy Jean

What would an Alumni be without Jimmy Jean and his remarkable way of teaching French. This year we have the opportunity to learn some of the customs and patterns that are vital in not only being understood but also accepted when we engage with French people.


Many people unfamiliar with French ways can be considered impolite or insensitive.  This is usually unintentional but the result of not knowing the behaviours of ‘politesse’.


Jimmy Jean has a remarkable story to tell; absent for most of his schooling; rebelling against traditional methods of teaching; until one teacher engaged with him in such a way that, in his words, ‘changed his life’. 


Born and raised in the cité, Jimmy Jean faced many challenges while finding his path in life. Cités are often located in the suburbs of French cities – with high rise tower blocks and a distinctive brutalist appearance, creating a separate space from the surrounding town. There is a shared sense of identity among people who live there. French rap commonly references life in la cité. They are usually occupied by people on low incomes, often from immigrant backgrounds.  Certain groups – especially those on the political right – have expressed negative views towards cité dwellers.


Today Jimmy Jean is respected as one of the most skilled teachers of French and French ways. He turned his challenge into his purpose.

A portrait of Edwina, smiling and drinking a coffee.

The Sequel


The small village where I live can seem unassuming, but once you get below the surface you discover all sorts of remarkable stories. Last summer we heard and were inspired and entertained with Edwina’s exciting life working for NATO in Paris, Rome and London.


In 1981 her life changed when she decided to come and live permanently in France and chose Verteillac for her new home; a total shift of lifestyle. So now we have the chance to learn about these latter years; very different from the first four decades but still full of optimism and humour (and a touch of espionage)!

A portrait of Nick Ashton and his dog Ghost

Learning For Life

Nick Ashton

Nick Ashton is a dynamic leader in the world of animal health, with a career spanning over three decades. As the President of Global Manufacturing and Supply at Zoetis, Nick leads a team of nearly 6,000 professionals, ensuring top-notch quality and service for customers worldwide. But beyond the boardrooms and production lines, there’s a more personal side to Nick.


Residing in Dublin with his Spanish wife, Ana, and their son, Lucas, Nick balances his high-powered role with a fulfilling family life. The Ashton household is lively, with a spirited Jack Russell named Rocky and a Belgian Malinois puppy, Ghost, adding to the family fun.


Nick’s journey in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) began in 2009 when he met Sue, a relationship that has profoundly influenced his leadership style. He credits his success to an ever-evolving approach, focused on continuous learning and reflection, drawing inspiration from the leaders around him (and when Nick first trained with Sue his dog came too and was better behaved than some of the delegates!! 🙂 ).


Known for his down-to-earth demeanour, Nick prefers an easy-going, friendly approach, a refreshing contrast to the often-formal corporate environment.