The Coaching Programme

Coaching is a theme throughout all my trainings and even so I have dedicated the entire programme to the process of coaching others (and of course yourself!). And successful completion of the complete programme with the assignments makes you eligible to become an Accredited NLP Coach with ANLP (the International Association for NLP). You can if you wish do the core programme without the assignments if you do not want or need the accreditation. The price is different accordingly.

I am also excited about this programme as it blows traditional methods of coaching out of the water. This is about how to give your clients something way beyond anything they could imagine for themselves; this is about how to read the patterns and get to the deep truth of who we are really meant to be … This does not come from traditional questioning techniques. This comes from radical unorthodox means of creating states for profound transformational change. Forget your 10 step approaches to coaching (a bit like painting by numbers). Join me and learn to engage provocatively, dynamically, and subconsciously. This is a how to make your work as a coach a masterpiece!


NLP is the mother and father of all coaching in my view (naturally!). Not surprisingly since the foundations of NLP were developed from the studies of some of the world’s greatest psychotherapists (and there is a total parallel with any form of work or life coaching) So what will you learn …

  • Recognise patterns and how the client is drawing on those patterns in ways that both limit and enable them.
  • Enable your clients to recognise their authentic and counterfeit self and consequently learn how to choose the former in all contexts and with all people.
  • Give clients more than they could ever expect and express for themselves so no conventional questioning techniques here (though they play a part).
    prepare yourself in the moment to show up 100%. The quality of your presence is transformational.
  • Learn to share rather than tell and support your clients to do the same.
  • Give awareness of these patterns in such a way that gives your client choice.
  • Create a space for irresistible change.
  • Be totally present in such a way that what happens in the moment with your client determines what happens next.
  • Learn the principles of some of the pre discovered NLP techniques so that you can use them flexibly and spontaneously.
  • Discriminate between NLP based coaching and other coaching processes.
  • Recognise congruent and incongruent states and use that awareness to trigger choices that lead increasingly to the congruent state.
  • Give transformational feedback.
  • Be the answer i.e. be the example of the outcome for your client.
  • Be present without ego and subsequently selfless.
  • Avoid the Drama Triangle and any need for recognition.
  • Recognise the different and hierarchical levels of change and learning and how to draw on these in your interactions.
  • How and when and whether to share your own experience.

How you and I will know that you have been successful

  • You will have testimonials and examples of at least 10 clients who can give evidence of lasting change in terms of their state and the way they approach situations with different choices than they would have done previously
    For any of the issues you have dealt with for client’s you will be able to give evidence of tangible results of resolving these same issues for yourself.
  • You will have made yourself redundant with your clients in that they will be self sufficient in less than 8 sessions with you. There is evidence of them integrating the learning for themselves.
  • Clients will come to you by recommendation from others.
  • Clients will voluntarily give you examples of surprising (to them) results that they experience as a result of the coaching .. that they did not expect but most definitely value.
  • Not only will people have resolved the issues that they initially brought to the coaching; they will also relate how the learning has translated into more generic issues and their role and purpose in life.

There will be recommended reading and the programme will be followed by an intense programme of independent coaching practicals and a written assignment. You will be assessed by your contributions during the programme and evidence of your coaching skill through the review (by a support and reviewing group and ultimately Sue Knight) of subsequent recordings of actual coaching sessions.

To attend this programme you will already be an NLP Practitioner at a minimum

Upcoming Coaching Programmes

The Coaching Programme, Online

Dates : 21 Jul to 25 Jul

Times : 14:00 to 16:30

Price exc VAT : £1200

Price inc VAT : £1440

The is the full programme with coaching on assignments and ultimate automatic recognition as an Accredited Coach with ANLP (the International Association for NLP). There is an option to attend just the core programme without the assignments, get in touch if you are interested in this option.