Leadership and Coaching Mastery

Gene Early and Sue Knight


Never has it been more important to develop ourselves and others as leaders and coached in this turbulent world. We can see that leadership can no longer be trusted to the hands of many of those in political power today. And so it is vital that we seize this opportunity to coach ourselves and in particular to coach ourselves to fully who we are without filters or hesitation or masks.or inappropriate agendas. We will be addressing the question what does it mean to be fully who I am. We will explore how to resolve any fragmentation in self, family, team, bigger system .. the world! In other words how do we become transparent and in doing so become the powerful truth of who we really are .. 

We will be doing this by studying the structure of experience. This programme will enable you to study the completeness of others and especially to release and capture that one-ness in the way that you coach not only yourself but others.  We will show you how to work with your own deepest truth and to do the same with others. This is about coaching real time (not coaching by numbers!) and learning how to choose the interventions to bring out the truth of who we are in this very moment. Gene and Sue epitomise what NLP is all about and to do in the way that they work together with the group.

You can expect to be coached and to coach and to receive guidance on all that you do and feedback of a level rarely achieved in other circumstances.

To find out more, contact Sue directly: sue@sueknight.com

"When Gene and Sue work together magic happens"

Mike Rawlins