So you think you can achieve changes in your life?

So you think you can achieve changes in your life?

The second time I met Graham I did not recognise him. Admittedly it had been several years since the previous meeting when he had attended an in-house NLP programme for the Marketing company he was working for at the time. Even when he introduced himself I still could...
Newsletter sort of

Newsletter sort of

An online programme January 16/17/18 1400-1900 India time Windswept and interesting That is the title of one of Billy Connolly’s books – his latest I think.  He describes how someone commented on him being Windswept and Interesting, how he valued that...
Our Words Are Our Legacy

Our Words Are Our Legacy

Moments define us. In the midst of the chaos and tragedy in Afghanistan there is a moment that has haunted me. In the madness at the gates to the airport sat a man with his back to the wall. In the mania that surrounded them a journalist spoke to this man on camera...