‘They were fearful as they entered the cloud’ Luke 9:34’

When I worked in the corporate world I was given SMART goals – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic,and time bound. They were given to me in writing and the papers that bore that writing invariably stayed in my desk drawer till appraisal time when we went through the formal and often awkward time of turning my progress against those goals into abstract development plans for the future.

What I have learnt over time is that my true goals emerge from my heart .. they unfold day by day and the real development is not out there in the future but here in this very moment … And most learning comes in the dark and challenging times .. that is when the qualities to which I aspire are truly tested. If my aim is to act in grace in every moment of the day (and it is – and I have a long way to go) then I welcome anything that challenges that – and I am challenged – often.

It is through the clouds in our lives that we discover the truth of who we are. Every cloud is an opportunity not only to learn something but more likely to unlearn something – to let go; to let go of habits and attachments. Only when we learn to love and live independently can we truly and gracefully live and work with others. There is an irony in the fact that until other people become shadows to us clouds and darkness will always be present …..

And coincidentally there are some very dark clouds overhead today.

And to add a provocative note – Frank Farrelly often said “Well there you go, with every silver lining comes a big black cloud!”

Join me to learn and unlearn in ways that set you free …